
Nursing Home Bedsores in New York

Bedsores are unfortunately not uncommon in nursing homes in New York. The prevalence of these injuries is often linked to factors such as inadequate staffing levels, insufficient training of caregivers, and the health condition of the residents. The New York State Department of Health regularly monitors and reports on such incidents, emphasizing the need for preventive measures within nursing facilities Bedsores primarily afflict patients who are critically ill, immobile, and unable to articulate their symptoms effectively, relying heavily on the diligent care provided by nursing home staff. However, when such care is lacking, patients' health is at risk, leading to severe conditions like bedsores. If someone you care about suffered from serious bedsores, contact an experienced New York nursing home bedsore lawyer as they may have the right to compensation through a personal injury lawsuit.

What Are Bedsores?

Bedsores, also referred to as pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers, are localized injuries that occur when prolonged pressure is applied to specific areas of the skin and underlying tissues. These injuries often arise in regions where bones are in close proximity to the skin surface, such as on heels, hips, and the tailbone. Bedsores occur due to reduced blood flow and tissue oxygenation resulting from prolonged pressure, especially in individuals who are bedridden or have limited mobility. Beyond the physical discomfort, bedsores pose a significant risk of infection and other serious complications.

Stages of Bedsores

Bedsores progress through different stages, each indicating the severity of the injury:

  • Stage I: At Stage I, bedsores manifest as non-blanchable redness, indicating localized inflammation and irritation of the skin. The affected area may feel warmer or cooler than the surrounding skin and can be sensitive to touch. This initial stage serves as a warning sign, signaling the need for prompt intervention to prevent further deterioration. If addressed promptly, Stage I bedsores can be reversible with proper care and repositioning of the individual to relieve pressure on the affected area.
  • Stage II: Progressing to Stage II, bedsores become more pronounced, with the skin now exhibiting partial thickness loss. The injury extends beyond surface redness, forming an open wound or blister. At this point, the affected area may be painful, and there is a risk of infection. Adequate wound care, including cleaning and dressing changes, becomes essential to prevent complications. Proper repositioning, the use of support surfaces, and vigilant monitoring are crucial to halt further advancement of the bedsore.
  • Stage III: In Stage III, bedsores reach a critical level, involving full-thickness skin loss and extending into the underlying tissue. This results in the formation of a deep, crater-like wound. The damage may expose subcutaneous fat, making the bedsore susceptible to infection and more challenging to heal. Individuals at this stage often require specialized medical attention, including wound debridement and advanced wound care techniques. Preventive measures, such as pressure redistribution devices and comprehensive care plans, become increasingly crucial to avoid further complications and expedite healing.
  • Stage IV: Stage IV represents the most severe form of bedsores, characterized by extensive tissue loss that may expose muscles, bones, or tendons. The wound is deep, posing a significant risk of infection, and healing becomes exceedingly difficult. Individuals at this stage often experience severe pain, and the bedsore may have a foul odor due to infection. Treatment involves intensive medical interventions, including surgical procedures, to repair and close the wound. Stage IV bedsores demand meticulous ongoing care, rehabilitation, and a comprehensive approach to manage potential complications such as sepsis or osteomyelitis.

Understanding these stages is crucial for both caregivers and legal professionals in assessing the gravity of bedsore injuries.

Determining Liability in Cases of Nursing Home Bedsores In New York

The issue of bedsore injuries within nursing homes demands a thorough examination of the circumstances surrounding each incident to ascertain liability. As an experienced New York nursing home bedsore lawyer can explain, the responsibility for these injuries typically falls on the nursing home, its staff, and healthcare providers involved in the resident's care. However, the nuances of liability become clearer when considering factors such as negligence, the adequacy of care, and the implementation of preventive measures.

Nursing Home Liability: Negligence stands as a primary determinant of liability in cases of bedsore injuries. Nursing homes can be held accountable if they fail to meet the expected standard of care in preventing and treating bedsores. Examples of this include insufficient staff training, a lack of proper protocols for pressure ulcer prevention, or inadequate monitoring of residents. The omission of essential care elements, such as regular repositioning, proper nutrition, and hygiene, can also contribute to a nursing home's liability. Furthermore, the failure to implement preventive measures, including the use of pressure-relieving devices and individualized care plans for at-risk residents, may establish grounds for legal action. An experienced New York nursing home bedsore lawyer would be able to review your loved one’s medical records and other evidence in order to help ensure that you the nursing home and its staff are held accountable for their negligent actions.

For example, in Pichardo v. St. Barnabas Nursing Home, Inc., 134 A.D.3d 421 (N.Y. App. Div. 2015), the Supreme Court, Bronx County, affirmed the denial of summary judgment to St. Barnabas Nursing Home, Inc. and St. Barnabas Hospital in a medical malpractice case involving an elderly patient who developed a stage II sacral ulcer during her hospital admission. Despite the defendants' claim that the ulcers were unavoidable due to the patient's co-morbidities, the court found that plaintiff's expert, Dr. Khimani, raised triable issues. Dr. Khimani contended that the failure to adhere to proper turning and positioning protocols, inadequate wound care, and a lack of adjustments to the treatment plan contributed to the development and worsening of the pressure ulcers.

Instances Where a Nursing Home Might Not Be Liable: While in many instances nursing home negligence led to bedsore injuries, there are instances where a nursing home may not be held liable for bedsore injuries. Unavoidable pressure ulcers, despite best efforts and adherence to proper care standards, may occur due to residents' underlying health conditions or advanced age. In such cases, liability may be limited if the nursing home can demonstrate that reasonable steps were taken to prevent and manage the bedsores.

For example, in Mitchell v. Kingsbrook Jewish Med. Ctr. 2023 N.Y. Slip Op. 51012 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2023), the court granted summary judgment in favor of Rego Park Nursing Home, dismissing all claims against it in a medical malpractice case. The plaintiff alleged negligence against several healthcare facilities, including Rego Park, for the improper care of pressure injuries (bedsores) that occurred between 2013 and the patient's death in 2014. Rego Park moved for summary judgment, arguing that there was no departure from the accepted standards of care, and the plaintiff failed to establish a proximate cause of the injuries. The court found that Rego Park satisfied its prima facie burden, presenting evidence that the patient's wounds were pre-existing at the time of admission and that they remained stable or improved during the patient's stay.

Informed consent also plays a crucial role in delineating responsibility; if residents or their legal representatives are fully informed about the associated risks and consent to the care plan, the nursing home's liability may be mitigated. Additionally, if a nursing home promptly identifies and addresses developing bedsores, taking appropriate measures to prevent progression, the facility may demonstrate a commitment to resident care, reducing potential liability.

Recoverable Damages for Nursing Home Bedsore Injuries in New York

When pursuing legal action for bedsore damages, several factors come into play regarding the recoverable compensation. Recoverable compensation is depends upon the extent of the injuries and the resultant impact on the resident's well-being. The following elements constitute essential considerations in the recovery of damages:

  • Past Medical Expenses: Recoverable compensation often incorporates the direct medical expenses incurred for the treatment of bedsores. This includes hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and any specialized treatments essential to address the severity of the wounds. Beyond immediate medical interventions, compensation may extend to indirect costs associated with the bedsore injuries, such as diagnostic tests, medical equipment, and transportation for medical appointments.
  • Future Medical Care: Recoverable damages may encompass expenses related to ongoing medical care required to manage the consequences of bedsores. This includes follow-up appointments, wound care, and any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan based on the resident's evolving health condition. Bedsores often necessitate rehabilitation to restore mobility and functionality. Recoverable damages may cover the costs associated with physical therapy sessions aimed at aiding the resident's recovery and improving their overall well-being. For individuals facing challenges in performing daily tasks due to the aftermath of bedsores, compensation may extend to cover occupational therapy expenses, facilitating a more seamless transition back to independent living. In cases where the severity of bedsores necessitates specialized care, compensation may extend to cover the costs associated with hiring healthcare professionals or caregivers to assist the resident in their daily life.
  • Pain and Suffering: Victims of bedsore injuries often endure substantial physical pain and discomfort. Recoverable damages may encompass compensation for the measurable physical suffering experienced by the resident due to the bedsores. The emotional toll of bedsores is an aspect of recoverable damages that should not be overlooked. Anxiety, depression, and a diminished quality of life are considered when quantifying compensation for the emotional distress endured by the resident.
  • Wrongful Death (in Severe Cases): In the most severe cases where bedsores contribute to the wrongful death of a resident, recoverable damages may extend to the surviving family members. This includes compensation for funeral expenses, loss of companionship, and the emotional distress endured by the family due to the tragic outcome.

Navigating the complexities of bedsore injury cases and securing the rightful compensation necessitates the expertise of an experienced nursing home bedsores attorney in New York. By seeking legal representation, individuals and their families can enhance their chances of a successful claim and ensure that their rights are protected throughout the legal process. This step is critical in holding negligent parties accountable.

Statute of Limitations

A statute of limitations is a legal time limit within which a person must initiate legal proceedings. It defines the maximum duration after an event or injury during which a lawsuit can be filed. Once the specified period expires, the right to bring a claim is generally forfeited, promoting legal finality and protecting defendants from stale claims. This means that a plaintiff cannot pursue a lawsuit, even if they claims has merit and is backed by significant evidence.

In New York, the statute of limitations for bedsore injury lawsuits, particularly those arising from nursing home neglect or medical malpractice, is subject to specific legal provisions. For cases involving nursing home abuse or negligence, claims are often brought under New York Public Health Law § 2801-d, which grants a private right of action to patients or their representatives for injuries resulting from the deprivation of specified rights. Such claims may be subject to a three-year statute of limitations, as provided by CPLR 214(2), which governs actions for liability created or imposed by statute.

However, if the lawsuit involves medical malpractice, which may include instances where healthcare professionals' actions or omissions contribute to bedsores, the plaintiff generally has two years and six months from the date of the alleged malpractice to file a lawsuit under CPLR 214-a.

Contact Stephen Bilkis & Associates

If you or a loved one has endured the pain of nursing home bedsores, our compassionate and seasoned nursing home bedsores attorney serving New York are ready to provide assistance. At Stephen Bilkis & Associates, we recognize the profound impact of bedsores on individuals and families, and we are dedicated to offering empathetic legal representation to help you seek the compensation you deserve. Reach out to us for a complimentary consultation to discuss your case. Let us serve as your advocates in the pursuit of justice and fair compensation for the physical, emotional, and financial challenges brought about by nursing home bedsores. Contact us at 800.696.9529 to schedule a free, no obligation consultation regarding your case. We represent clients in the following locations: Brooklyn, Long Island, Queens, Manhattan, Nassau County, Staten Island, Suffolk County, Bronx, and Westchester County.

Client Reviews
When my mom, who is suffering from dementia, faced a slip and fall personal injury lawsuit, I contacted Stephen Bilkis of the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates. Not only did he provide a strategy for defending the claim, he also advised me on steps to take to avoid future personal liability. Whether you are the defendant or plaintiff in an injury case, I highly recommend Mr. Bilkis. S.M.
From the very first phone call to Stephen Bilkis' office, the staff was extremely polite and helpful in assisting me. Mr. Bilkis was honest and upfront with me from the beginning in what he projected the outcome of my case would be; in the end we got better results than either of us anticipated. He was very genuine and compassionate in understanding my situation and how this legal matter could effect not only myself but my family as well. I highly recommend this law firm and will most definitely continue using them for any future legal needs. Jarrett
I had my first encounter with Mr. Stephen Bilkis three years ago over the phone. He and his staff have been nothing but courtesy and professional. Their hard work ended with a large six-figure settlement for my case. I would highly recommend you contact his office. I want to give a special THANK YOU to Ms. Tricia Krapf. She always made me feel like a priority and was always kind and professional over the phone and email. I highly recommend them to anyone in need of legal representation. Celesta
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